Posts Tagged ‘Affiliate Owners’
Trading Money For Time
Most of us have a memory or two of the brighter sides of childhood. Unending summer days with sun-kissed cheeks from chasing a frisbee at the beach, sandy feet, and salty hair. Unequaled freedom of time never seen during the school year, giving you all the options of things to do, yet still finding boredom…
Read More6 Questions To Clarity
Business is hard, it’s in no short order a virtual cornucopia of distraction. In any single moment, there are no less than a handful of things vying for attention. What’s worse, is the more successful you get, the list does not get smaller, it gets louder. This is the key focus of what we do…
Read MoreJust Tell Me The Game Plan
I am thankful there is a screen, an internet connection, and software between us. On the other end of this video call is a hulking example of a human, and he is not pleased currently. I am certain there would be violence if this call was in person. His stature is not at all uncommon…
Read MoreAnd Sold…
If there is one concept to espouse that creates more confusion, resistance, and misunderstanding than selling your business, I have yet to encounter it. At least in the business world. Truly, it’s understandable as most businesses are started as passion projects more than they are businesses, and that makes it all make perfect sense. “I…
Read MoreAccidentally On Purpose
The hero’s journey is a tale as old as well, writing, or recorded history. From the moment humans started writing to communicate, and this includes cave drawings, we became storytellers. This is actually so prevalent in our species, it’s a part of epigenetic makeup. We communicate through stories. The most common being the Hero’s journey.…
Read MoreA Tale Of 3 Lives
Once upon a time… a kid. This is no fairy tale, it is a stark reality. Humans, at least in our experience with the work we do with many high performers, appear to live 3 different realities. The goal of all pursuits for us within the company is simple, increase performance. We have many ways…
Read MoreWe Need To Talk About Your DAD
Fear not, before you think this is going to be talking about father issues, or the weird outfits your dad wears to barbecues, it’s not. We love new balances, his jorts are safe with us. What’s not safe though is your marketing. Particularly your interest, focus, and concept of what is marketing. We are gonna…
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